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Playing the violin from early childhood, I developed an interest in string instruments when I eventually met some soloists who played precious instruments. Thus quickly becoming a violin addict it was only logical to start building instruments and to develop another addiction, the one for beautiful and acustically useful timber. So a livelong obsession started almost half a century ago.

When I started collecting spruce and maple logs, I was not yet aware that these would be sufficient for more but one live and so, together with some friends, I set up a tonewood business, which meanwhile serves the needs of instrument makers and violin enthusiasts around the globe.

As suitable logs are getting rarer and prices higher, we still enjoy the thrill of finding an outstanding log, be it bearclaw spruce or figured maple, which will fully reveal its properties only upon being cut to wedges.

After the milling a laborious process of drying, sealing, planing and numerous intermediate inspections needs our attention. To meet all needs, especially those of copyists, we offer wood with different figures and growth rings and are always ready to look for the perfect piece!